Morgan Haley Christine

April 7, 2003 ~~~ Monday ~~~ 6:35am ~~~ 6#14oz ~~~ 19.75" ~~~ Birth Stone: Diamond ~~~ Birth Flower: Daisy or Sweet Pea ~~~ Born in the Year of the Sheep ~~~ Astrological Sign: Aries ~~~ I'm 2'7" tall ~~~ Favorite Color (mom's for me): Pink ~~~ I'll start Kindergarten in 2008 ~~~ I'll graduate with the Class of 2021 ~~~ My Saint: St Mary of Egypt ~~~ My Name Day: April 14 ~~~

Friday, July 22, 2005

Knock, Knock

Wanna hear my knock knock joke I've been telling??

Knock, Knock
(Who's There?)
Nana (Banana)
(Nana Who?)
Didn't say apple!

Now some don't get it, but others do. My little 2 year old mind remembered a knock knock joke that sounded a lot like that one so I gave it my own twist and shortened it up a whole lot. You might know it yourself ...

Knock, Knock
(Who's There?)
(Banana Who?)
Knock, Knock
(Who's There?)
(Banana Who?)

Knock, Knock
(Who's There?)
(Banana Who?)

Knock, Knock
(Who's There?)
(Orange Who?)

Orange you glad I didn't say banana?

Like my version?

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Rain, Rain Go Away

We visited Fernbank today and it stormed while we were inside. Everything was wet outside and Christian was talking about something called lightening. Momma was carrying me to the car and I remembered this song I've heard a lot. So I decided to start singing it. It's called Rain, Rain Go Away. Momma thought it was so cute!

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Birthday Party

We went to Grandma and Grandpa's for my birthday celebration. It was all pink and princesses! Here are some pictures of the party. We had Belle's Love Floats, Snow White's Apples, Ariel's Jello Oceans, Cinderella's Veggie Dip, Sleeping Beauty's Magic Wands, Jasmine's Desert Fruit Pizzas and of course cake!! Later we went outside to hit open my Princess Tiara pinata. Yippee, lots of candy!!

Hmmm, I think I like this birthday stuff!

Thursday, April 07, 2005

I'm 2!

Happy Birthday to me! ... whatever that means ...

Monday, March 14, 2005

Shaving My Head

You know Momma is thrilled ... Madison took her razor and shaved part of my head - right on top!!! She also took quite a bit off each side and some in the back. I look pitiful. Momma's friend, Carrie, is a hairdresser and will be shaping up my hair as best she can. Picture coming soon!!

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Chicken Pox

Morgan Haley broke out with the chicken pox on February 13. She went to bed with no spots but woke up covered! As of today (17th) she is completely scabbed over. Her infected blister is all better too - we're just waiting for the scab to fall off now.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

First Entry

Just a little blog about Morgan Haley and what she's doing as told via her mom. Mom has great aspirations for this blog but there's no telling if she'll ever get around to it :)